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Easter Sweeties…

Easter Sweeties…

Easter Sweeties…

Easter often means indulgence in chocolate and sweeties……but as you will by now know, here at Ready2Role we always have sweeties available to order…

The “Sweetie”

The “Bon Bon”

The “Candy Cupcake”

Now, if any of you girls n boys want something similar creating do contact me to discuss your needs.

And remember, even if you cant quite see what you want on the site or Etsy shop, but have ideas of what you would like making, feel free to contact me to discuss its possibilities.

OK, look after yourselves and each other….see you next time!

Remember to share my website link with your friends and follow me on TWITTER.

Suzi xx


P.S. UK Customers, you may be aware of new rules for buying and selling between UK/EU and vice versa, at this point I am still awaiting clarity on how that may work with my website, so I would ask if you could please go via my Etsy Shop for any orders, enquiries or custom quotes for now, thank you x


Remember to pop over and see My friends at The Sissy Manor!
And Remember To Tell Them I Sent You!

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