Dear Lifestylers

tired man getting undressed after performance

Dear Lifestylers

Dear Lifestylers

My name is Dominus and I am hijacking this post today 🙂

Some of you may or may not have heard of me in connection with Ready2Role which my partner Madam Soozie created for her costumes/fet clothing/cosplay/sissy clothing work. We also ran our own successful dungeon for several years prior to our move to live in Spain, 6 years ago.

As time has moved on various life events have made us look to do things differently, Soozie now has commitments that mean she can not make outfits any more, but we both agreed that the Ready2role brand of some 12 years or so, should still carry on in some way or another. 

My main work, in the vanilla world, is Web development, design, social media marketing, copywriting and all that sort of ilk and I am looking to expand my client base and offer cost effective assistance to lifestylers that offer services/products and use websites that may benefit from a bit of a boost.

One thing we will be doing with Ready2role, is creating a hub of people offering services/products within the niche, for those interested in benefiting from a seasoned and good domain authority website that will of course be a focus of my traffic creation work.

Whether you are interested in joining the hub or not, perhaps a look at me auditing your website fully and suggesting improvements and ways in which I can help to increase the number of eyeballs on your offer, remembering over the years we have built a newsletter subscriber list that can also be useful in getting people to know about special services.

OK, so some food for thought for you, and I am sure you can benefit in some way from what I offer and it will always be at a very cost effective rate.

Drop me a line at: and use the subject “Ready2Role”, and we can go from there. Or connect via Fetlife if you use that at all. (

Best regards


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